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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jeevan Vidhya

Jeevanvidya is a philosophy of life and an art of living. It aims at achieving material prosperity and attaining spiritual progress through relentless efforts, on the basis of circumstances as they stand.

     Formerly known as Nam Sampraday Mandal, Jeevanvidya Mission was established in the year 1955. Since its inception in 1955, Jeevanvidya Mission operates on a non-profit basis with hundred percent non paid volunteers from trustees to every participant for sole purpose to make Jeevanvidya philosophy easily accessible to masses for spiritual upliftment and empowerment of people. Jeevanvidya Mission is registered with the Charity Commissioner in 1980, Reg. No. : E 7733, Mumbai. The activities of Jeevanvidya Mission include:
 conducting discourses. Satguru Shri Wamanrao Pai's discourses are organized all over Western India for last 50 years. In 1998, a lecture series of Satguru Shri Wamanrao Pai was held in USA.

 Publication of books, More than 25 books are published, mainly in Marathi. However, some books are also published in other languages such as Hindi, English, and Gujarati & Kannada. “Deepastambha” magazine is published quarterly.

 Conducting courses, Jeevanvidya Basic Courses and Advanced courses are conducted covering various topics of Jeevanvidya Philosophy.

·             Jeevanvidya philosophy is secular, universal and an eternal philosophy.
·             It is secular because it is intimately related to human culture and not to any religion.
·             It is universal since it is useful to the whole of Mankind.
·             It is eternal because it is based on the Universal laws of Nature.
·         "You are the architect of your destiny"
·             Jeevanvidya teaches Man to accept the truth that he alone is responsible for all his actions and also the results or reactions that boomerang from such actions; in other words Man himself is responsible for creating his own destiny. Satguru’s entire philosophy revolves around his important message that, "You are the architect of your destiny". Jeevanvidya philosophy stresses on the importance of making efforts as opposed to becoming victims of fatalism. In fact, Satguru maintains that, "Efforts have the potential to achieve everything in life including "Self-realization" and, therefore, efforts may be considered even more important than God”. Therefore, the common man has been empowered to change his destiny with the guidance of Jeevanvidya and can experience peace and happiness in his life.
·             Equal emphasis to material development & psycho-spiritual progress

Boon to the poor, strong support to the rich and extremely useful to the whole world
 Rich people have at least enough money to depend on but poor people are even deprived of this facility. Further, a majority of poor people are illiterate, superstitious and wallowing in utter poverty and, therefore, they hanker after Godmen, perform futile rites and rituals, etc. in the belief that they would be delivered from their troubles. In the process, the poor are invariably cheated and fooled. Satguru was deeply pained to see this happen and wanted to empower the common man so that he could learn to depend on himself and have the tools by which he could overcome the difficult circumstances and achieve progress, peace and happiness in his life. The Jeevanvidya philosophy which he evolved is a boon to the poor, a strong support to the rich and extremely useful to the whole world.

 There are neither any superstitions in Jeevanvidya philosophy neither propagated by Satguru nor are false assurances given nor false miracles performed to mislead people. Instead Satguru teaches the seeker how a beautiful harmony can be maintained between worldly life and psycho-spiritual life.

       God is neither an idol, nor an individual nor merely a power or energy. This God is Divine Power endowed with Divine Consciousness and Divine Intuition. This God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. Jeevanvidya defines the concept of God as under. God is Intrinsically Automatic, Self-regulatory, Natural, and Systematized Order, endowed with the Universal Laws of Nature. Let us try to explain this theory briefly: Intrinsically Automatic: The earth revolves round itself and simultaneously it rotates round the Sun. The formation of blood in the human body is yet another example. There are many examples relating this theory that you will find in the books. This Systematized Order is Self-regulatory: The Planets rotate in their orbits in a regular fashion, not more rotations nor less. This Systematized Order is Natural: Nobody has created the Systematized Order, but it exists naturally from ages to ages. It is a wonderful, miraculous, and secret of Nature. The divinity of God is this. How this Order exists in Systematized form: A human being gives birth to a human being, who is just like him. A mango tree bears the fruits of mangoes; a lion or an elephant give birth to young ones like them and even the fishes produce fishes like themselves. How this Systematized Order is endowed with the Universal Laws of Nature: Many universes are generated from this God, stay for some period and again vanish into the vast ocean of the God, only to be regenerated again and again according to the Universal Laws of Nature. The entire life of Man, animals, birds and fishes is governed by the Universal Laws of Nature. God is neither Kind nor Cruel. The important principal of Jeevanvidya is that God neither blesses nor punishes anybody, irrespective of his religion, caste, creed, sect or race to which he may belong. Similarly God neither interferes nor meddles with the affairs of the human being for any reason whatsoever. What is important is the actions of Man and the Laws of Nature. As soon as actions are performed by Man the Laws of Nature are activated and eventually reactions are received by him from the God in the form of peace and happiness or miseries and sufferings. For example, electricity neither blesses nor curses anybody, but it reacts favorably or unfavorably according to the knowledge or ignorance of the person who handles it. God does not create the Universe.

      Satguru Shri Wamanrao Pai's philosophy is very progressive and stresses on harmonious thinking. It has close relationship with the science of the mind. It examines the role of the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind and explores the relationship between the two minds. Satguru emphasizes that the art of utilizing this knowledge of relationship between the conscious mind and sub-conscious mind, is absolutely essential to lead a successful and beautiful life Satguru advises that for spiritual progress, what one needs is “Sublimation of conscious mind resulting in elevation of sub-conscious mind which eventually transforms into Divine Consciousness” Further, Satguru has evolved the concept of the Cosmic Mind. He gives an analogy of a garland of flowers to explain it. He says that all the flowers are interwoven by a thread which passes through it. Further, a portion of thread passes through each flower in the garland and, hence, if the thread receives a jerk, all the flowers receive that jerk to some extent. All people of all religions in the world are like flowers and these flowers are interwoven together by the thread of the Cosmic Mind. Thus the entire thread is the Cosmic Mind, while the portion of the thread in the heart (inner-self) of every individual is the mind. If any person in the world is affected by sorrow or grief, other persons in the world too are affected in various degrees. He therefore maintains that, An Invisible Divine Bank: This Invisible Divine Bank is really wonderful and it exists within every "The state of Man's peace and happiness is in the welfare and well being of others and the state of his grief and misery is in the sorrows of others. Man must, therefore, behave like a human being (i.e. in a humane manner) with others, irrespective of their class, caste, creed, race or religion and sincerely endeavor to make one another happy.''

    Unlike most religions and philosophies where God is the central theme around which everything else revolves; Satguru has placed Man at the centre of his philosophy. He has introduced the novel concepts of the Human Body as
·         Divine Tape Recording Machine
·         Divine Computer
·         Divine Bank.
A tape recording machine: The human tape recording machine can continuously and accurately record all types of thoughts, feelings and emotions as well as all the actions performed by Man through his sense organs, his organs of knowledge and his inner organs of the mind, the intellect, etc. These impressions are recorded by the sub-conscious Mind on its ‘subtle’ Consciousness and can never be erased. A Divine Computer: The computer gives results according to the data fed into it. If the data fed to the computer is wrong it gives erroneous results and if the data fed is correct then the computer gives out accurate results. Similarly, Man experiences in his life, results in the form of sorrow and happiness or pain and pleasure from this divine computer of the human body at the three levels of ‘thought, speech and deeds’. This feeding is also of two types. Firstly, Man feeds knowingly or unknowingly, healthy or unhealthy inputs to the divine computer of his own body and simultaneously he feeds knowingly or unknowingly, healthy and unhealthy inputs to the divine computer of other people around him, in the form of auspicious or inauspicious impressions (Sanskars) An Invisible Divine Bank: This Invisible Divine Bank is really wonderful and it exists within every individual. The ‘subtle’ impressions of the good and the bad actions performed by every individual are reflected on his ‘deeper’ Consciousness and these subtle impressions are ultimately deposited as Papa and Punya in his Invisible Divine Bank. While the transactions of the commercial bank are performed by Man’s conscious mind, the transactions of this Invisible Divine Bank are performed by his sub-conscious mind, unconsciously. Just as our conscious mind performs the function of depositing or withdrawing money from the commercial bank, similarly our sub-conscious mind performs the function of depositing Papa and Punya in the Invisible Divine Bank and utilizes these deposits for giving favorable and unfavorable results in Man’s life. Human body is living idol of god Satguru considers the human body to be the walking and talking living idol of God made by God Himself. He has taught the ideal worship of the living idol of God which consists of by nurturing the human body with good Sanskaras or impressions and excellent habits; by culturing the human body well with an excellent education, training and teachings; by nourishing the human body with good food, pure milk and water, etc.; by maintaining the human body in sound condition with peaceful mind by entertaining good thoughts in the mind, speaking pleasant words, performing good actions, remembering God with gratitude, performing physical exercises or Yoga; and by constantly striving for both material development and spiritual progress. He emphasizes that by worshipping God in the way mentioned above, human beings can positively attain happiness, peace, contentedness, bliss, health, success and prosperity. Conversely, those who become addicts of undesirable vices like alcohol, smoking, chewing tobacco, opium, heroin, brown sugar, etc., actually vandalize and insult the living idol of God in the form of the human body. In the same way, by indulging in abuse, corruption, atrocities, harassment of people, violence, murders, etc., human beings actually torture, damage and demolish the living idol of God in the form of the human body. Satguru maintains that people who indulge in such bad and evil actions are terrible criminals in the eyes of God and they are meted out their punishment as per the Universal Laws of Nature in the form of physical diseases, mental diseases, troubles, catastrophes, calamities, tensions, unhappiness, misery etc.

     Satguru Shri Wamanrao Pai has answered the age-old question, "What is the purpose of Man's Life". He says, "Man is born only for imparting the bliss, intrinsic in him, through the medium of the human body and for celebrating the festival of Joy. All over the Universe, the festival of bliss is being celebrated. Man being a part and parcel of the Universe or nature must also spread joy & bliss and this is the divine message of God to entire Mankind. In other words, it is also the intention of the Universal Divine Power that man must spread joy and celebrate the festival of bliss through his good thoughts, sweet speech and harmonious deeds. In fact, Man can experience the bliss within himself in the very process of imparting joy and happiness to others."   Satguru has thus shown Man the royal road to achieving peace and happiness. His Jeevanvidya is, thus, intimately connected with all aspects of human life and teaches Man the secret of attaining maximum peace and happiness, success and prosperity.Jeevanvidya is a philosophy of life and an art of living and is an excellent combination of psychology, Para-psychology and meta-Physics. It aims at achieving material prosperity and attaining spiritual progress by dint of relentless efforts, on the basis of circumstances as they stand. Life is a wonderful systematized arrangement naturally designed by Nature or God to enable Man to enjoy bliss inherent in his soul. Just as a bird requires two wings to fly happily in the skies, similarly Man needs worldly life as well as spiritual life to live peacefully and gracefully in this world. Just as a bird requires two wings to fly happily in the skies, similarly Man needs worldly life as well as spiritual life to live peacefully and gracefully in this world. Life is neither a game nor a gamble nor a melody, but it is a never ending battle which Man has to fight. The master key to successful life is to first accept the circumstances as they are and then make relentless efforts to shape them beautifully. The real concept of God or Cosmic Life Force is, it is a natural intrinsic automatic self regulatory systematized arrangement endowed with universal laws of nature. God or Cosmic Life Force is neither an idol nor an individual nor merely a power. It is by itself pure consciousness, bliss by nature while life force dwells at its core. The very assumption that the so called God is omnipresent is basically not correct. The truth is Cosmic Energy in the form of life force and not God is omnipresent and exists everywhere as ordinary life. The so called God or omnipotent Cosmic Life force is only one for all the people of all the religions in the world and this God or Cosmic life force does not bless nor curse anybody. The fact is, Man alone blesses or curses himself by the good or evil actions he performs at the three levels of thought, speech and physical action. God or almighty Life Force is within you and it is this Life Force which becomes responsible to make or mar your life according to harmonious or harmful thoughts that you entertain in your mind. If a mere atom has the potential of an immense power of an atom bomb, you can very well imagine the tremendous power that dwells in the human soul which is the very manifestation of Cosmic Life Force itself. If a mere atom has the potential of an immense power of an atom bomb, you can very well imagine the tremendous power that dwells in the human soul which is the very manifestation of Cosmic Life Force itself. If you can't realize God residing closely within your heart it is utterly impossible for you to find Him elsewhere in the world. Human body is a wonderful gift of nature and is a super computer. All actions of man performed at three levels of thoughts, speech and physical action are in effect actual feeding to this super computer which gives favorable or unfavorable results to his actions in the form of peace and happiness or pain and miseries. Human body is a miraculous gift of nature and is a tape recording machine. All actions performed by man at three levels of thought, speech and physical action are miraculously, accurately and secretly recorded by the sub-conscious mind on the tape of subtle consciousness, which eventually becomes man's record on the basis of which his destiny is determined.
"You are the architect of your destiny".

Author Of this Article: Swapnil Nalawde 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

RF Radiations-A new theory!


Half of the time we spent thinking what others think about us.....but the fact is that if we would utilize this time in performing our actual tasks, we would have been something different...!!!