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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Clash of the Egos

Why should I have to deal with all this? Why does all this have to happen to me? Why should I care if he/she is hurt? I dint do anything wrong to suffer for this. It is not my mistake at all.  I don't care whatever you say to me. This are the questions and the psychological paradigm which go through anyone's mind when they land in some problem or they have a fight with friends or family.

If you are not the one responsible for the things happening to you. Who is it? Nearly 90 % of the times you’ll have your own name as the answer but if there is an answer except your own name then there can be three options you can choose amongst.
  1. You can talk to the person if you consider him/her to be a significant part in whatever has happened and you consider talking to the person might resolve the issue.
  2. Depending on the circumstances which you went through during the conflict which may be an active exchange of blows or a misunderstanding without any talks and the importance of the person in your life you can leave the conflicts behind and move on with the person as if nothing had happened.
  3.  Leave the person behind if it didn't matter and the decision is never going to hurt you.

 As the degree of importance of the person decrease so must the selection of the options. If you consider the third option for somebody important you’ll end up hurting yourself very badly whereas if you consider the first option for somebody not much important you'll be wasting your time making the other person what you actually meant.

But the best of all these options is to leave the decision to the other person if the fault is yours. Let the other person decide how much important you are to him and how much you have hurt him during the fights because it is not fair taking the decision on your own when you know you hurt the others.
Fight is just a simple word when we consider it between two people which is not always the case. The fight may be amongst two groups, two communities, two states or even two countries.

Fight is a quarrel, argument, a physical battle or even riots caused due to the difference in opinion.

Author of this article: Venkatesh Srikant  

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The start of the begining of humans...

U must have seen many other astronomy related articles, here on my blog....yes i do write it as this is what excites me...fascinates me...and helps me to know the place where we reside...how much ever we know it, and how much ever we will know it.

Our journey started a billion years ago in the only known planet that sustained life-Earth. The temperatures, humidity, resources and conditions are just appropriate for the humans to have evolved. And from then, the planet Earth became ours in true sense. We settled down in the rocky planet in search of food and and water and we were successful in doing so...we met all our requirements and grew. Families expanded and this is clearly seen from the population database which is approximately 6,898,100,000 as of now.

So, shall we call it as success of conquering the planet or success of survival for millions of years? Years which not always supported Humans. But wait, there is still a question pending to be answered- Are we alone in this universe? or are there others who have also survived for these years like us, or probably more than us. and if they do exist, then how do we find them? and where in this infinite space do we find them?

Our space explorations have been significant and bench-marking. I mean, these words might be small in front of so many researches being carried out in the space. We have sent probes on different planets, out telescopes continuously monitors the outer galaxy, the satellites sends the information back to the Earth and we do all the analysis of the received data. But it is a fact that we have only explored in the range of few light years and anything we know beyond that are human assumptions based on some theory. So how and when will we know this universe? or something beyond that? So when will we start exploring alien objects, not in the current galaxy, but hundreds or thousands of light years away? And then finally reach the informative end of the universe which is populated to be billions of light years big and constantly expanding (according to Hubble's law).

I mean, it is not our fault that we are so small in size as compared to the vastness of the space that our presence or absence would hardly matter in this universe. Our small size and hence our small brains would probably never find the mysteries of dark matter but our explorations would go on till our capabilities extend. We are spending hundreds of billions of rupees on these researches to find out answers of our evolution, our existence, and our neighborhood.

Presently, our existence is less important than the race of survival. Existence theories would only fill our History books but the race of survival would take us to the future of existence of humans...though both are interlinked. I wished the fist ever generation of humans had Internet facility and they would have noted it down about how it all started.