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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Aliens - a true phenomenon?

This is not the first time when the discussion about existence of aliens has marked a beyond-global prodigy. So what do we consider this; A fiction, an imaginary character or  a true phenomenon?

On 26th of April British physicist Stephen Hawking claimed; aliens are out there, but it could be too dangerous for humans to interact with extraterrestrial life.

Hawking claims in a new documentary titled "Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking" that intelligent alien life forms almost certainly exist — but warns that communicating with them could be "too risky."

"We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet," Hawking said. He imagines that they would be far too advanced than what we are.

There are many other scientist who have stated this phenomenon long before Mr. Hawking. It is purely based on assumptions. The spacecraft named Chandrayaan I led by India could successfully find out traces of water on moon. This was considered as one of the greatest discoveries in resent past. So it is clear that our reach and extent in the field of aerospace is quite less as compared to the advancement in other fields and disciplines. We could only reach to the surface of moon and mars and estimated anything beyond that.

It is true that this estimations were not purely based on the snapshots captured by different space telescopes, but a lot of mathematics was also involved in it. With this terrestrial knowledge it is speculated that most extraterrestrial life would be similar to microbes, or small animals. Microbial life might exist far beneath the Martian surface, where liquid water is thought to trickle through the rock. Marine creatures might also conceivably live in huge oceans of water beneath a miles-thick layer of ice on Europa, a moon of Jupiter.

According to the scientists, there exist many milky ways in space and it may incorporate many Earth like planets in it. These planets could have nurtured living creatures, may be similar to humans! According to Hawking's mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. “The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

There are more than tens of movies released worldwide depicting aliens like creatures, most of them pictured on the theme that aliens are far too dangerous than we humans, they kill us and destroy our planet. But if scientists claim their supernatural intelligence resourceful structure, and true existence, then why could they not search our planet Earth. Why have they not come eye-to-eye with us? Paradoxically are we aliens to them? Or are we far too advanced as compared to them?

Hawking has become one of the world's best-known scientists — not just because of his theoretical work on cosmology and black holes, but also because he has achieved so much while coping with a paralyzing neural disease for most of his life. And now, this has led to an acceleration and exploration in a newly built subject - "Beyond Earth"

Space is infinity and there cannot be one just planet habiting lives. There surely exist many more living creatures beyond us.
--Hardik Vasa 

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