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Thursday, August 5, 2010

True Education

The education in ancient time was far better than today's education. Education does not just have a goal to make progress, but it constitute Knowledge, self respect and common sense.
Today's education incorporates very less knowledge, common sense, and much quality like leadership etc.  In ancient time the education was valued and also employed in for achieving freedom. It helped in building a strong unity amongst the people. It communicated many values which help for the self development and as well as social development.
Looking at today's situation I really agree with the phrase: “I was born intelligent but education ruined me!”. Lets start from the education of school; now a day KT’s (keeping terms even if you are failed) are allowed while moving from school to college. This show how weak is our education system. In college there are many elements which smash one's life. I would like to give one example from an engineering field.  In most of the engineering institute the real talent of pupils is not noticed in spite of their proficient. A sound education is not bestowed.

Even if a Lion trained he is not said to be educated. Similarly by a student is not said to be an educated when he mug up, nor he has cent percent knowledge. There are very few of them who mug up with gaining complete knowledge, and they are few to be valued. Today education has become a business. If you have money to invest in your education, then only you will get a tag (Degree) that you are educated.

Now let move towards the industry view. Many geniuses have to work on crap task even after having much better skills. Individual is not provided with a beautiful platform of progress. This may be the reason that since long time country has not discovered anything in spite of being a country gifted with great scientist.

Interrogation still remained if we civilians equally educated? If yes, then why we still struggle our entire life to find a path to success? What you are thinking? Are we all educated and responsible citizens on our country? If yes then why we don't take first step in reforming and developing our society, our country!

Author of the article: Rahul Gala 

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