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Friday, October 1, 2010

Vihangam Yoga

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To propagate the principles and practises of Brahmavidya Vihangam Yoga for the mankind, Maharishi Sadafaldeoji Maharaj established Vihangam Yoga Institution in the year 1924(Regd.1981). The organization is dedicated to the spiritual, social and moral uplift of one and all.

What is Yoga
Yoga is a Sanskrit word. It means Union. Union is always of one entity with another. The merging entities must have the same characteristics for e.g., metal iron can only combine with iron but not wood. The sages since the dawn of civilization have been practicing yoga to realize the uniting entities and realise the unifying force.
What were the two entities that the sages were trying to unite through the practice of yoga? What was the name of this form of yoga?
All the living beings derive life force from an entity that we address as soul or consciousness. The sages visualised a divine form of yoga which by practicing they could connect their soul with the supreme soul(omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent) and attain eternal bliss. They called it Vihangam Yoga or Brahmavidya

Why Yoga
Every person, in his heart, aspires to remain perpetually happy, irrespective of good and bad events affecting his domestic, professional, social, cultural or spiritual life regularly. People keep advocating: be happy, don’t worry, keep smiling, control anger, and be loving and kind to your surrounding. This sounds comforting, but, it is easier said than done. The point is how to materialise it? What can one do to achieve such a state of mind that no upheavals, no turmoil, no windfalls, no extraordinary achievements – nothing disturbs his serenity?
This is where the secret of life lies. The Self is Sat and Chit. The Supreme Self is Sat, Chit and Anand. So the eternal happiness can be acheived by the Self only by uniting with Supreme Self. This is where one requires the practical technique of the science of Vihangam Yoga along with the divine knowledge and blessings from the spiritual teacher or the real Guru.

Why Vihangam Yoga
While other forms of yoga – be it Raj yoga, Hath yoga, Mantra yoga, Laya yoga, Bhakti yoga, Kundalini yoga and various others –fall within the limits of the physical and mental plane, Vihangam Yoga doesn’t! Vihangam yoga goes beyond the limit of physical and mental boundary and culminates, at its climax, in the infinite ocean of pure bliss! The expositor of this long forgotten divine Brahmavidya Vihangam Yoga in the present era is Sadguru Sadafal Deoji Maharaj.

Why the name Vihangam Yoga
Vihangam Yoga derives its name from the word Vihang meaning bird. As a bird floats in the air overcoming the gravitational force of the earth, so does the consciousness of the soul float in the limitless space of pure consciousness (Supreme Soul) leaving behind its physical base i.e. body, mind and intellect.

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