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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Clash of the Egos

Why should I have to deal with all this? Why does all this have to happen to me? Why should I care if he/she is hurt? I dint do anything wrong to suffer for this. It is not my mistake at all.  I don't care whatever you say to me. This are the questions and the psychological paradigm which go through anyone's mind when they land in some problem or they have a fight with friends or family.

If you are not the one responsible for the things happening to you. Who is it? Nearly 90 % of the times you’ll have your own name as the answer but if there is an answer except your own name then there can be three options you can choose amongst.
  1. You can talk to the person if you consider him/her to be a significant part in whatever has happened and you consider talking to the person might resolve the issue.
  2. Depending on the circumstances which you went through during the conflict which may be an active exchange of blows or a misunderstanding without any talks and the importance of the person in your life you can leave the conflicts behind and move on with the person as if nothing had happened.
  3.  Leave the person behind if it didn't matter and the decision is never going to hurt you.

 As the degree of importance of the person decrease so must the selection of the options. If you consider the third option for somebody important you’ll end up hurting yourself very badly whereas if you consider the first option for somebody not much important you'll be wasting your time making the other person what you actually meant.

But the best of all these options is to leave the decision to the other person if the fault is yours. Let the other person decide how much important you are to him and how much you have hurt him during the fights because it is not fair taking the decision on your own when you know you hurt the others.
Fight is just a simple word when we consider it between two people which is not always the case. The fight may be amongst two groups, two communities, two states or even two countries.

Fight is a quarrel, argument, a physical battle or even riots caused due to the difference in opinion.

Author of this article: Venkatesh Srikant  

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The start of the begining of humans...

U must have seen many other astronomy related articles, here on my blog....yes i do write it as this is what excites me...fascinates me...and helps me to know the place where we reside...how much ever we know it, and how much ever we will know it.

Our journey started a billion years ago in the only known planet that sustained life-Earth. The temperatures, humidity, resources and conditions are just appropriate for the humans to have evolved. And from then, the planet Earth became ours in true sense. We settled down in the rocky planet in search of food and and water and we were successful in doing so...we met all our requirements and grew. Families expanded and this is clearly seen from the population database which is approximately 6,898,100,000 as of now.

So, shall we call it as success of conquering the planet or success of survival for millions of years? Years which not always supported Humans. But wait, there is still a question pending to be answered- Are we alone in this universe? or are there others who have also survived for these years like us, or probably more than us. and if they do exist, then how do we find them? and where in this infinite space do we find them?

Our space explorations have been significant and bench-marking. I mean, these words might be small in front of so many researches being carried out in the space. We have sent probes on different planets, out telescopes continuously monitors the outer galaxy, the satellites sends the information back to the Earth and we do all the analysis of the received data. But it is a fact that we have only explored in the range of few light years and anything we know beyond that are human assumptions based on some theory. So how and when will we know this universe? or something beyond that? So when will we start exploring alien objects, not in the current galaxy, but hundreds or thousands of light years away? And then finally reach the informative end of the universe which is populated to be billions of light years big and constantly expanding (according to Hubble's law).

I mean, it is not our fault that we are so small in size as compared to the vastness of the space that our presence or absence would hardly matter in this universe. Our small size and hence our small brains would probably never find the mysteries of dark matter but our explorations would go on till our capabilities extend. We are spending hundreds of billions of rupees on these researches to find out answers of our evolution, our existence, and our neighborhood.

Presently, our existence is less important than the race of survival. Existence theories would only fill our History books but the race of survival would take us to the future of existence of humans...though both are interlinked. I wished the fist ever generation of humans had Internet facility and they would have noted it down about how it all started.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Vihangam Yoga

This article is still under construction.....

To propagate the principles and practises of Brahmavidya Vihangam Yoga for the mankind, Maharishi Sadafaldeoji Maharaj established Vihangam Yoga Institution in the year 1924(Regd.1981). The organization is dedicated to the spiritual, social and moral uplift of one and all.

What is Yoga
Yoga is a Sanskrit word. It means Union. Union is always of one entity with another. The merging entities must have the same characteristics for e.g., metal iron can only combine with iron but not wood. The sages since the dawn of civilization have been practicing yoga to realize the uniting entities and realise the unifying force.
What were the two entities that the sages were trying to unite through the practice of yoga? What was the name of this form of yoga?
All the living beings derive life force from an entity that we address as soul or consciousness. The sages visualised a divine form of yoga which by practicing they could connect their soul with the supreme soul(omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent) and attain eternal bliss. They called it Vihangam Yoga or Brahmavidya

Why Yoga
Every person, in his heart, aspires to remain perpetually happy, irrespective of good and bad events affecting his domestic, professional, social, cultural or spiritual life regularly. People keep advocating: be happy, don’t worry, keep smiling, control anger, and be loving and kind to your surrounding. This sounds comforting, but, it is easier said than done. The point is how to materialise it? What can one do to achieve such a state of mind that no upheavals, no turmoil, no windfalls, no extraordinary achievements – nothing disturbs his serenity?
This is where the secret of life lies. The Self is Sat and Chit. The Supreme Self is Sat, Chit and Anand. So the eternal happiness can be acheived by the Self only by uniting with Supreme Self. This is where one requires the practical technique of the science of Vihangam Yoga along with the divine knowledge and blessings from the spiritual teacher or the real Guru.

Why Vihangam Yoga
While other forms of yoga – be it Raj yoga, Hath yoga, Mantra yoga, Laya yoga, Bhakti yoga, Kundalini yoga and various others –fall within the limits of the physical and mental plane, Vihangam Yoga doesn’t! Vihangam yoga goes beyond the limit of physical and mental boundary and culminates, at its climax, in the infinite ocean of pure bliss! The expositor of this long forgotten divine Brahmavidya Vihangam Yoga in the present era is Sadguru Sadafal Deoji Maharaj.

Why the name Vihangam Yoga
Vihangam Yoga derives its name from the word Vihang meaning bird. As a bird floats in the air overcoming the gravitational force of the earth, so does the consciousness of the soul float in the limitless space of pure consciousness (Supreme Soul) leaving behind its physical base i.e. body, mind and intellect.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jeevan Vidhya

Jeevanvidya is a philosophy of life and an art of living. It aims at achieving material prosperity and attaining spiritual progress through relentless efforts, on the basis of circumstances as they stand.

     Formerly known as Nam Sampraday Mandal, Jeevanvidya Mission was established in the year 1955. Since its inception in 1955, Jeevanvidya Mission operates on a non-profit basis with hundred percent non paid volunteers from trustees to every participant for sole purpose to make Jeevanvidya philosophy easily accessible to masses for spiritual upliftment and empowerment of people. Jeevanvidya Mission is registered with the Charity Commissioner in 1980, Reg. No. : E 7733, Mumbai. The activities of Jeevanvidya Mission include:
 conducting discourses. Satguru Shri Wamanrao Pai's discourses are organized all over Western India for last 50 years. In 1998, a lecture series of Satguru Shri Wamanrao Pai was held in USA.

 Publication of books, More than 25 books are published, mainly in Marathi. However, some books are also published in other languages such as Hindi, English, and Gujarati & Kannada. “Deepastambha” magazine is published quarterly.

 Conducting courses, Jeevanvidya Basic Courses and Advanced courses are conducted covering various topics of Jeevanvidya Philosophy.

·             Jeevanvidya philosophy is secular, universal and an eternal philosophy.
·             It is secular because it is intimately related to human culture and not to any religion.
·             It is universal since it is useful to the whole of Mankind.
·             It is eternal because it is based on the Universal laws of Nature.
·         "You are the architect of your destiny"
·             Jeevanvidya teaches Man to accept the truth that he alone is responsible for all his actions and also the results or reactions that boomerang from such actions; in other words Man himself is responsible for creating his own destiny. Satguru’s entire philosophy revolves around his important message that, "You are the architect of your destiny". Jeevanvidya philosophy stresses on the importance of making efforts as opposed to becoming victims of fatalism. In fact, Satguru maintains that, "Efforts have the potential to achieve everything in life including "Self-realization" and, therefore, efforts may be considered even more important than God”. Therefore, the common man has been empowered to change his destiny with the guidance of Jeevanvidya and can experience peace and happiness in his life.
·             Equal emphasis to material development & psycho-spiritual progress

Boon to the poor, strong support to the rich and extremely useful to the whole world
 Rich people have at least enough money to depend on but poor people are even deprived of this facility. Further, a majority of poor people are illiterate, superstitious and wallowing in utter poverty and, therefore, they hanker after Godmen, perform futile rites and rituals, etc. in the belief that they would be delivered from their troubles. In the process, the poor are invariably cheated and fooled. Satguru was deeply pained to see this happen and wanted to empower the common man so that he could learn to depend on himself and have the tools by which he could overcome the difficult circumstances and achieve progress, peace and happiness in his life. The Jeevanvidya philosophy which he evolved is a boon to the poor, a strong support to the rich and extremely useful to the whole world.

 There are neither any superstitions in Jeevanvidya philosophy neither propagated by Satguru nor are false assurances given nor false miracles performed to mislead people. Instead Satguru teaches the seeker how a beautiful harmony can be maintained between worldly life and psycho-spiritual life.

       God is neither an idol, nor an individual nor merely a power or energy. This God is Divine Power endowed with Divine Consciousness and Divine Intuition. This God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. Jeevanvidya defines the concept of God as under. God is Intrinsically Automatic, Self-regulatory, Natural, and Systematized Order, endowed with the Universal Laws of Nature. Let us try to explain this theory briefly: Intrinsically Automatic: The earth revolves round itself and simultaneously it rotates round the Sun. The formation of blood in the human body is yet another example. There are many examples relating this theory that you will find in the books. This Systematized Order is Self-regulatory: The Planets rotate in their orbits in a regular fashion, not more rotations nor less. This Systematized Order is Natural: Nobody has created the Systematized Order, but it exists naturally from ages to ages. It is a wonderful, miraculous, and secret of Nature. The divinity of God is this. How this Order exists in Systematized form: A human being gives birth to a human being, who is just like him. A mango tree bears the fruits of mangoes; a lion or an elephant give birth to young ones like them and even the fishes produce fishes like themselves. How this Systematized Order is endowed with the Universal Laws of Nature: Many universes are generated from this God, stay for some period and again vanish into the vast ocean of the God, only to be regenerated again and again according to the Universal Laws of Nature. The entire life of Man, animals, birds and fishes is governed by the Universal Laws of Nature. God is neither Kind nor Cruel. The important principal of Jeevanvidya is that God neither blesses nor punishes anybody, irrespective of his religion, caste, creed, sect or race to which he may belong. Similarly God neither interferes nor meddles with the affairs of the human being for any reason whatsoever. What is important is the actions of Man and the Laws of Nature. As soon as actions are performed by Man the Laws of Nature are activated and eventually reactions are received by him from the God in the form of peace and happiness or miseries and sufferings. For example, electricity neither blesses nor curses anybody, but it reacts favorably or unfavorably according to the knowledge or ignorance of the person who handles it. God does not create the Universe.

      Satguru Shri Wamanrao Pai's philosophy is very progressive and stresses on harmonious thinking. It has close relationship with the science of the mind. It examines the role of the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind and explores the relationship between the two minds. Satguru emphasizes that the art of utilizing this knowledge of relationship between the conscious mind and sub-conscious mind, is absolutely essential to lead a successful and beautiful life Satguru advises that for spiritual progress, what one needs is “Sublimation of conscious mind resulting in elevation of sub-conscious mind which eventually transforms into Divine Consciousness” Further, Satguru has evolved the concept of the Cosmic Mind. He gives an analogy of a garland of flowers to explain it. He says that all the flowers are interwoven by a thread which passes through it. Further, a portion of thread passes through each flower in the garland and, hence, if the thread receives a jerk, all the flowers receive that jerk to some extent. All people of all religions in the world are like flowers and these flowers are interwoven together by the thread of the Cosmic Mind. Thus the entire thread is the Cosmic Mind, while the portion of the thread in the heart (inner-self) of every individual is the mind. If any person in the world is affected by sorrow or grief, other persons in the world too are affected in various degrees. He therefore maintains that, An Invisible Divine Bank: This Invisible Divine Bank is really wonderful and it exists within every "The state of Man's peace and happiness is in the welfare and well being of others and the state of his grief and misery is in the sorrows of others. Man must, therefore, behave like a human being (i.e. in a humane manner) with others, irrespective of their class, caste, creed, race or religion and sincerely endeavor to make one another happy.''

    Unlike most religions and philosophies where God is the central theme around which everything else revolves; Satguru has placed Man at the centre of his philosophy. He has introduced the novel concepts of the Human Body as
·         Divine Tape Recording Machine
·         Divine Computer
·         Divine Bank.
A tape recording machine: The human tape recording machine can continuously and accurately record all types of thoughts, feelings and emotions as well as all the actions performed by Man through his sense organs, his organs of knowledge and his inner organs of the mind, the intellect, etc. These impressions are recorded by the sub-conscious Mind on its ‘subtle’ Consciousness and can never be erased. A Divine Computer: The computer gives results according to the data fed into it. If the data fed to the computer is wrong it gives erroneous results and if the data fed is correct then the computer gives out accurate results. Similarly, Man experiences in his life, results in the form of sorrow and happiness or pain and pleasure from this divine computer of the human body at the three levels of ‘thought, speech and deeds’. This feeding is also of two types. Firstly, Man feeds knowingly or unknowingly, healthy or unhealthy inputs to the divine computer of his own body and simultaneously he feeds knowingly or unknowingly, healthy and unhealthy inputs to the divine computer of other people around him, in the form of auspicious or inauspicious impressions (Sanskars) An Invisible Divine Bank: This Invisible Divine Bank is really wonderful and it exists within every individual. The ‘subtle’ impressions of the good and the bad actions performed by every individual are reflected on his ‘deeper’ Consciousness and these subtle impressions are ultimately deposited as Papa and Punya in his Invisible Divine Bank. While the transactions of the commercial bank are performed by Man’s conscious mind, the transactions of this Invisible Divine Bank are performed by his sub-conscious mind, unconsciously. Just as our conscious mind performs the function of depositing or withdrawing money from the commercial bank, similarly our sub-conscious mind performs the function of depositing Papa and Punya in the Invisible Divine Bank and utilizes these deposits for giving favorable and unfavorable results in Man’s life. Human body is living idol of god Satguru considers the human body to be the walking and talking living idol of God made by God Himself. He has taught the ideal worship of the living idol of God which consists of by nurturing the human body with good Sanskaras or impressions and excellent habits; by culturing the human body well with an excellent education, training and teachings; by nourishing the human body with good food, pure milk and water, etc.; by maintaining the human body in sound condition with peaceful mind by entertaining good thoughts in the mind, speaking pleasant words, performing good actions, remembering God with gratitude, performing physical exercises or Yoga; and by constantly striving for both material development and spiritual progress. He emphasizes that by worshipping God in the way mentioned above, human beings can positively attain happiness, peace, contentedness, bliss, health, success and prosperity. Conversely, those who become addicts of undesirable vices like alcohol, smoking, chewing tobacco, opium, heroin, brown sugar, etc., actually vandalize and insult the living idol of God in the form of the human body. In the same way, by indulging in abuse, corruption, atrocities, harassment of people, violence, murders, etc., human beings actually torture, damage and demolish the living idol of God in the form of the human body. Satguru maintains that people who indulge in such bad and evil actions are terrible criminals in the eyes of God and they are meted out their punishment as per the Universal Laws of Nature in the form of physical diseases, mental diseases, troubles, catastrophes, calamities, tensions, unhappiness, misery etc.

     Satguru Shri Wamanrao Pai has answered the age-old question, "What is the purpose of Man's Life". He says, "Man is born only for imparting the bliss, intrinsic in him, through the medium of the human body and for celebrating the festival of Joy. All over the Universe, the festival of bliss is being celebrated. Man being a part and parcel of the Universe or nature must also spread joy & bliss and this is the divine message of God to entire Mankind. In other words, it is also the intention of the Universal Divine Power that man must spread joy and celebrate the festival of bliss through his good thoughts, sweet speech and harmonious deeds. In fact, Man can experience the bliss within himself in the very process of imparting joy and happiness to others."   Satguru has thus shown Man the royal road to achieving peace and happiness. His Jeevanvidya is, thus, intimately connected with all aspects of human life and teaches Man the secret of attaining maximum peace and happiness, success and prosperity.Jeevanvidya is a philosophy of life and an art of living and is an excellent combination of psychology, Para-psychology and meta-Physics. It aims at achieving material prosperity and attaining spiritual progress by dint of relentless efforts, on the basis of circumstances as they stand. Life is a wonderful systematized arrangement naturally designed by Nature or God to enable Man to enjoy bliss inherent in his soul. Just as a bird requires two wings to fly happily in the skies, similarly Man needs worldly life as well as spiritual life to live peacefully and gracefully in this world. Just as a bird requires two wings to fly happily in the skies, similarly Man needs worldly life as well as spiritual life to live peacefully and gracefully in this world. Life is neither a game nor a gamble nor a melody, but it is a never ending battle which Man has to fight. The master key to successful life is to first accept the circumstances as they are and then make relentless efforts to shape them beautifully. The real concept of God or Cosmic Life Force is, it is a natural intrinsic automatic self regulatory systematized arrangement endowed with universal laws of nature. God or Cosmic Life Force is neither an idol nor an individual nor merely a power. It is by itself pure consciousness, bliss by nature while life force dwells at its core. The very assumption that the so called God is omnipresent is basically not correct. The truth is Cosmic Energy in the form of life force and not God is omnipresent and exists everywhere as ordinary life. The so called God or omnipotent Cosmic Life force is only one for all the people of all the religions in the world and this God or Cosmic life force does not bless nor curse anybody. The fact is, Man alone blesses or curses himself by the good or evil actions he performs at the three levels of thought, speech and physical action. God or almighty Life Force is within you and it is this Life Force which becomes responsible to make or mar your life according to harmonious or harmful thoughts that you entertain in your mind. If a mere atom has the potential of an immense power of an atom bomb, you can very well imagine the tremendous power that dwells in the human soul which is the very manifestation of Cosmic Life Force itself. If a mere atom has the potential of an immense power of an atom bomb, you can very well imagine the tremendous power that dwells in the human soul which is the very manifestation of Cosmic Life Force itself. If you can't realize God residing closely within your heart it is utterly impossible for you to find Him elsewhere in the world. Human body is a wonderful gift of nature and is a super computer. All actions of man performed at three levels of thoughts, speech and physical action are in effect actual feeding to this super computer which gives favorable or unfavorable results to his actions in the form of peace and happiness or pain and miseries. Human body is a miraculous gift of nature and is a tape recording machine. All actions performed by man at three levels of thought, speech and physical action are miraculously, accurately and secretly recorded by the sub-conscious mind on the tape of subtle consciousness, which eventually becomes man's record on the basis of which his destiny is determined.
"You are the architect of your destiny".

Author Of this Article: Swapnil Nalawde 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

RF Radiations-A new theory!


Half of the time we spent thinking what others think about us.....but the fact is that if we would utilize this time in performing our actual tasks, we would have been something different...!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Evolution of computers - With a pace of light...

    The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613, referring to a person who carried out calculations,  or  computations, and the word continued to be used in that sense until the middle of the 20th century. From the end of  the 19th century onwards though, the word began to take on its more familiar meaning, describing a machine that carries out computations.         
     This timeline explores the history of computing from 1939 to 1994. Each year features illustrated descriptions of significant innovations in hardware and software technology, as well as milestones in areas such as commercial applications and artificial intelligence. When appropriate, biographical sketches of the pioneers responsible for the advances are included. We never hoped that we will ever work in today’s digital world with such a great competing market. No matters on age many people just inquisitive on computers, as on new generation without a cabinet are impossible to work and also it’s needful to each person to person or companies which can stores miles of information or you can may be called a books of pillars that just keep on adding information which is endless.
      The timeline has now reached to much more advance as Touch screens emerged from corporate research labs in the second half of the 1940s. Touch screens first gained some visibility with the invention of the computer-assisted learning terminal, which came out in 1975 and today we are having a wireless computers which named as a ‘laptop’. A desktop replacement computer is a laptop that provides most of the capabilities of a desktop computer, with a similar level of performance. Laptop is used similar to your personal computer which is small and light enough to sit on a person’s lap while in use.  We just need to wait what all do happens in this century but now lately, we just keep hearing more and more bad news about technology falling hopelessly under attack by dastardly bad-doers, otherwise known as cyber-hackers. With so much bad news finding its way into headlines, it makes some experts wonder just how safe a Smart Grid can ever be.

But today if you find a computer which can communicate it very delightedly just imagine fast you can work it in a fraction of sec by just giving away instructions.

Can anyone say, "Good-bye laptops?" 

Author of this article: NAVIL NAGDA

Thursday, August 5, 2010

True Education

The education in ancient time was far better than today's education. Education does not just have a goal to make progress, but it constitute Knowledge, self respect and common sense.
Today's education incorporates very less knowledge, common sense, and much quality like leadership etc.  In ancient time the education was valued and also employed in for achieving freedom. It helped in building a strong unity amongst the people. It communicated many values which help for the self development and as well as social development.
Looking at today's situation I really agree with the phrase: “I was born intelligent but education ruined me!”. Lets start from the education of school; now a day KT’s (keeping terms even if you are failed) are allowed while moving from school to college. This show how weak is our education system. In college there are many elements which smash one's life. I would like to give one example from an engineering field.  In most of the engineering institute the real talent of pupils is not noticed in spite of their proficient. A sound education is not bestowed.

Even if a Lion trained he is not said to be educated. Similarly by a student is not said to be an educated when he mug up, nor he has cent percent knowledge. There are very few of them who mug up with gaining complete knowledge, and they are few to be valued. Today education has become a business. If you have money to invest in your education, then only you will get a tag (Degree) that you are educated.

Now let move towards the industry view. Many geniuses have to work on crap task even after having much better skills. Individual is not provided with a beautiful platform of progress. This may be the reason that since long time country has not discovered anything in spite of being a country gifted with great scientist.

Interrogation still remained if we civilians equally educated? If yes, then why we still struggle our entire life to find a path to success? What you are thinking? Are we all educated and responsible citizens on our country? If yes then why we don't take first step in reforming and developing our society, our country!

Author of the article: Rahul Gala 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

In the world of "Education only" motto!

It is so very rightly said that "Knowledge is power".

At one stage attaining a degree or qualifying in with good merits was a job to be saluted. It was a tasks achieved and no further masterpiece was to be scored. But in today's world, the power and the order of ingenuity has totally reformed.

A practical knowledge along with the theoretical know-how is essential. An all-round development skills are equally important. It is not only required for proving the self merits but is important when a face-to-face communication takes place.

Knowledge and experience are truly the super powers of humans. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

World of automation...

World behind us is changing, and changing so quickly that an individual will find it impossible to cope up with its fierce pace. A pace with which a new technology is featured, every tick of a clock. This is an era of automation. Here, every manual work is turning into machine operated work. Mind-sets of individuals have changed.

People started thinking that if a particular work can be done by machines, then why to give it to humans hands? Instead humans can be indulged in something more productive. Surely!

The core aim of this revolution is to make the living system completely autonomous. It is to use the technological progress and ease the human efforts into the efforts of the machines...probable a task of decades....but a task of success. Success in the form of industrial revolution.

Technology is like a stem of the tree...which is used by the humans to achieve heights of life!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Global warming - Stay alive if u can!!!

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans. In short the Earth's temperatures are raising. And in spite of efforts from many of the leading organizations, we are unable to avoid these involuntary process called "The Global Warming".

Now the time has come when we should start reacting to the changing situations or else, our generation would be the last of the generations living....

See it...Feel it...React to it...and take the first step as an individual to fight the rising temperatures...

Save this world.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Survival of the cleaverest!

In today's world, it is believed that, each step you walk, you come across a new opportunity. And it is just a come-and -grab kind of show.

You flick your eye for a moment, you miss it completely. It is the time where competition is at its peak level, where every individual tries to be better than other, trying to prover himself, his existence, his potential and his cognitive power. This is the time where a person, far dedicated, cannot afford to spent his time doing anything else but his work. And to grab all that things which comes on his way.

I don't know if this is the case with all of us, but for me this is completely strange. Strange to here everyone attaining their goals in the form of academic qualification, strange to here every student getting settled in some or the other reputed companies. Strange to here that in-spite of the education to employment rate being so low, every child of the society is into his/her dream service. The service of group of employees with a dream to change the way we see this world, change the way we consider the professionals, change the way we interrogate and change the way we see individuals as humans.

In this entire enigma, the only tool which can be used to survive in this gray jungle is cleverness. It is to prove yourself better than others and you will be rewarded.

Survival of the cleverest.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Laptops - Beware!!! (Very dangerous).

Read this tragic but real story:

A man lost his 25 year old son in a fire at home in June 2010. This is what happened. He graduated with MBA from University of Wisconsin-Madison two weeks earlier and came home. Had a lunch with his dad at home and decided to go back to to clean up his room at school. Father told him to wait and see his mother before he goes back for a few days. He decided to take a snooze while waiting for his mom to come home from work.

Neighbors called 911 when they saw black smoke coming out of the house. Their 25 year old son died in the three year old house. It took several days of investigation to find out the cause of the fire. It was determined that the fire was caused by lap top in the bed. When the lap top is on the bed cooling fan does not get air to cool the computer and that is what caused the fire. He did not even wake up to get out of the bed he died of carbon monoxide.

The reason I writing this to all of you is that I have seen all of us using our lap top in bed. Let us all decide and make it a practice not to do that. Risk is real. Let us make it a rule not to use lap top in bed or put computer on bed with blankets and pillows around.

Many lessons to learn from this...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Be what you are...

Do not try to be like anyone else.... be yourself, always! Probably it would be difficult to accept some facts of life, but truth remains the same...you are what you are and this is not going to change your personality, your way of thinking and you.

Most of the people do not accept the fact of their life and they try to change-landing up nowhere. Most of them are over-conscious about the comments from various people. But remember, you should be what you are... stop all the complex thoughts that come to your mind and then you will be happy.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

PC Defragment!!!

This is the computer whose monitor was dismantled by me and my friend. Special thanks to Rahul Gala for providing his old monitor of the computer for experimenting...  it was suach a fun learning...

For its video pls click the link below...


Sunday, June 20, 2010

A rikshaw driver !!!

This is a short and amazing experience of a rikshaw driver of a rikshaw that i traveled once while returning from my friend's house...

I could manage to get a rikshaw after waiting for long time. Eying a sigh of relief, i sat in the rikshaw and said "hmm the no. of rikshaws have gone down drastically in last few months...i was waiting from long time." He looked serious, i could make out that something is wrong, or everything was wrong. I don't know. After almost 30 seconds, he replied that the rikshaws were not reducing..in fact the population of the city was increasing day by day. And many of the young buddies did not want to enter into this field.

After a minute he added, "we live in poverty and we will have to die in poverty. Because we don't have any other option. Market prises and inflation is increasing, but the fare of a rikshaw drive is constant. So how do we afford these soring prises? How do we educate our children and how can we buy medicines...? We cannot..and maintenance of this rikshaw is also too much. We pay for the gas and can hardly revamp the money from the little profit made by faring entire day long. May be that is the reason some of us are leaving this field and getting into some other..and may be that is why, people like you are complaining of rikshaw shortage."

He gave me a short example, "If a thief takes away your wealth, you say nothing because you are restless. But if rikshawwala fastens his meter and charges you a rupee or two extra, you shout at him like anything. This is not the fault of people like you. If poverty line crosses limit, cheating takes birth."

I was feeling good by knowing that he felt me capable enough of sharing his experience, but on the other hand, i felt very bad of his situations..i once felt like giving him a fifty rupee note but then i recalled my hand from doing so, because that would hurt his self respect. I just said, "Yes man, i can understand your feeling. But i don't know what is this all going on in this world. May be i am too young to know this stuff."

It is too difficult to understand a human in need unless you don't experience the same need!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Universe, space and time beyound human existence (Aliens not far away)

This is a video which i have prepared after finding out amazing photos of our home planet Earth, our solar system, and this universe. A general question arises in our mind - whether aliens do exist in this universe? Our race to solve this puzzle might never end!!! Watch it to believe it!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

7 Wonders of the world

These are the new 7 Wonders of the world! The seven symbols of pride and heritage!

Amazing 7 Wonders of the world

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I'll be careful with not using short forms in this blog.
Well, yes'day i was sittin idle on my balustrade reading gandhiji's letter to lord Curzon when immedetly a thought struck up.
              You mite be wondering of two facts that have been unrevealed in the first stuff.why have i used a chat language and secondly what struck up,isn't it?yes indeed, You are right....this is todays generation,short languages short forms and what not.Every time I look at a message, i hear to any informal conversation,i feel,have Wordsworth and Shakespeare not given us enough words that u need to use the lingoes like "u know" and "well" and "of course".Cricketers and actors tend to have the same glamorous words like "oh my god","well"etc if they are out of words,what is this shortcut.
               But at the same time myself being a youngster i feel that in this very competitive world do you expect a tenth std student to write the whole word like 'generation' if he's messaging his friend during his boards? not indeed.. can he not write gen'tion.every second the world goes one step ahead and do you expect the future citizens of the world to do old fashioned things that their ancestors have been doing since ages?i don't think so.
             I believe in the fact that shortcuts come rarely,use them.every walk of life you chose, don't you feel that even you tend to take the shortest ever path you can?

Author of this article: Dharmik Vasa!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My other blog!

What is success? To be frank, I don't know. If i would know the actual definition of success than I would rather be one of the greatest person of the world.

Success is not defined, it is rather understood, it is rather felt. Success is the inner satisfaction of achieving something which is desired. It does not mean competition with others(as we always do) but it is experiencing the conditions which you had always dreamt for.

The fact is hard to digest that every human has its own personal strength and talent which can easily distinguish him from others.Life is like a flower which will not bloom until the inner talent is not found. This is the only tool which distinguish him from others.

This is purely the world of competition. You need to be fast, you need to be smart, you need to be clever, you need to be wise, and lastly you need to be YOU!It is true and the fact of the world that everyone has its own self motto behind their work. In the world of competition you need to be smart. SMART ARE THE PEOPLE WHO TALK LESS AND ACT MORE!

Successful people are always behind the tasks which are very difficult. Hence they achieve success when they complete their respective task.

It is very difficult to view the scenario of your position between billions in this world, but it is very simple to view yourself when the criteria of knowledge comes into picture.

I have given below the 50 ways in which one can achieve success, bet to remember this 50 small tricks, you need to have good memory too.
I have the solution for that too. Visit my another blog MEMORY MANTRAS to improve your memory!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Aliens - a true phenomenon?

This is not the first time when the discussion about existence of aliens has marked a beyond-global prodigy. So what do we consider this; A fiction, an imaginary character or  a true phenomenon?

On 26th of April British physicist Stephen Hawking claimed; aliens are out there, but it could be too dangerous for humans to interact with extraterrestrial life.

Hawking claims in a new documentary titled "Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking" that intelligent alien life forms almost certainly exist — but warns that communicating with them could be "too risky."

"We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet," Hawking said. He imagines that they would be far too advanced than what we are.

There are many other scientist who have stated this phenomenon long before Mr. Hawking. It is purely based on assumptions. The spacecraft named Chandrayaan I led by India could successfully find out traces of water on moon. This was considered as one of the greatest discoveries in resent past. So it is clear that our reach and extent in the field of aerospace is quite less as compared to the advancement in other fields and disciplines. We could only reach to the surface of moon and mars and estimated anything beyond that.

It is true that this estimations were not purely based on the snapshots captured by different space telescopes, but a lot of mathematics was also involved in it. With this terrestrial knowledge it is speculated that most extraterrestrial life would be similar to microbes, or small animals. Microbial life might exist far beneath the Martian surface, where liquid water is thought to trickle through the rock. Marine creatures might also conceivably live in huge oceans of water beneath a miles-thick layer of ice on Europa, a moon of Jupiter.

According to the scientists, there exist many milky ways in space and it may incorporate many Earth like planets in it. These planets could have nurtured living creatures, may be similar to humans! According to Hawking's mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. “The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

There are more than tens of movies released worldwide depicting aliens like creatures, most of them pictured on the theme that aliens are far too dangerous than we humans, they kill us and destroy our planet. But if scientists claim their supernatural intelligence resourceful structure, and true existence, then why could they not search our planet Earth. Why have they not come eye-to-eye with us? Paradoxically are we aliens to them? Or are we far too advanced as compared to them?

Hawking has become one of the world's best-known scientists — not just because of his theoretical work on cosmology and black holes, but also because he has achieved so much while coping with a paralyzing neural disease for most of his life. And now, this has led to an acceleration and exploration in a newly built subject - "Beyond Earth"

Space is infinity and there cannot be one just planet habiting lives. There surely exist many more living creatures beyond us.
--Hardik Vasa 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Probably the most inspiring ever!

This is a video about the most valuable sports person ever born, and those who have changed the definition of sport that they have played. We play games, and they make records. Probably the only difference between we and they!  Lets get inspired with the most inspiring video i have ever seen! Music is great too...

Friday, April 9, 2010

DO Something!

This are the lyrics from shahrukh khan's inspirational video. I could not consummation myself from viewing it again and again, and wanted to share this with you all. So am posting it: 

"Two simple alphabets, placed them side by side however, and they form a word powerful enough to turn a mass of people into a nation. DO!

The last time we decided to do or die, it changed the map of the world. Today we reached the state where the eyes of the world are on us again. So what are we going to DO? How are we going to turn a land of philosophers into a nation of doers?

Are we going to keep thinking about what we should be doing, or, do something about what we are thinking? Are we going to simply shrug our shoulders and blame our infrastructure, our bureaucracy and our political system or are we going to roll up our sleeves, get up and actually DO something about it?

The truth is this that thinking can happen from an armchair, but doing must happen on your feet. Thinking may be a great way of getting things started but doing is the only way to get things done. And lets face it, you never caught in a traffic jam, you are the traffic jam!

Today we are in the 60th year of independence - 60 full years, more than half a century and we still have been called an emerging economy, a potential superpower or a sleeping tiger? No! This must change. And it is only possible if some of us dare to be the change.

So lets stop basking in our glorious past or daydreaming about our great future! Lets start by dominating today!"

And Domination starts with DO!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

World is smarter than your imagination!

World is smarter than your imagination!

This statement is not written so that one can be proud of oneself or one can demoralized oneself. In fact this sentence is a fact. Some one might think that he/she has achieved a particular goal so they have grown smart. But there are many people who may possess more knowledge the what you may have. It is like a never ending play of life. The more you learn, the more you open resources to learn further more.

One cannot be smart or you can say ultimate in this world. There is always more smart people than anyone smart. It sound to be very complex, but it is not. In simple words, there is always someone who inculcate more knowledge then anyone else and can compete the same.

I hope you may get something of what i am trying to prove, and always do remember this.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A true Friend!

You may have heard many a times people describing about what exactly a true friendship is. There are so many complex definitions stated by many philosophers about true friendship or true friends. But i think, there is no need for defining a true friend. It is not that i can say this because i have few true friends, but it is really true about it.

To state in just one line, it is:
A friend is a true friend only when he can be with you in your critical conditions!

I do not agree that a true friend should be with you all the time. In today's world this is not possible. The time when you are alone and need someone's help, a true friend can do it all for you. You are mentally comforted in such situations. If you ask about me, i too have true friends (Raahul and Durgesh can be few to name). Thank you to all my dear and near friends.

Friday, January 22, 2010

What is Creativity?

You must have heard this word many times in you workplace or school or college. There are many definitions of what is creativity. But according to me creativity is to read other's mind. In any competition, if you have to produce something which is different from the others, you need to be creative. If you have something different from the others, you win the prize or else you are considered as a common person. This os first type of creativity.

In all walks of life, creativity helps a lot. It is not to be thought for producing new ideas. One has to think in natural way and here comes the second type of creativity. This is nothing but people's need. Human being requires many things is different situations, but all this things are not fulfilled due to many factors. Creativity comes into picture here. TTo fulfil those needs, one has to think different from the others. One has to built something new, one has to appeal to others and hence get a good result out of it.